Question of the evening

September 4, 2012

how do you make decisions?how sure are you that the conclusion that you have arrived to is absolute?

of idiocy and guilt

September 4, 2012

Have you ever wronged a friend or stopped communicating with them or are just not in speaking terms anymore because of a past issue? Well, I have. And, I admit that it’s entirely my fault. (o__o) I have… hurt a former close friend. His friend said he’s not mad anymore. He’s indifferent. Or just don’t care anymore. Huh… That made me sad more than knowing he might still be mad. I think I’d feel better knowing he’s mad than indifferent. Not that that fact matters to them. (And, I bet his friend would be very happy knowing this). I understand ish though; that what I did was majorly wrong. I know he forgives but not forgets. (Whenever I just think of that time, my conscience grieves over my stupidity.)

I would love to mend this broken relationship, but my guilt and cowardliness just won’t allow it. Every time I see him, I just want to run away and hide. I’m also very embarrassed of myself. I did try to make up, but I ended up running away from it. We do small talks every now and then… But, the thing is small talks with strangers or people I rarely talk to already make me feel awkward. Lol o_o; So… this is like 2x or more more awkward. Yey me. To think I’m a dragon and a Sagittarius for freaking sake.

If ever I can turn back time, would I change history? I think the ending will still be the same, but in a much lighter note.